Access Keys:

Model Primary and Nursery School, Derry
Post Primary applications are now open for September 2025 via EA Connect! Applications are open until Thursday 20 February at 12 noon and are not considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Please ensure you read the published admissions criteria for the schools you are considering. To begin an application, please visit
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General Info




Good communication and a positive, co-operative relationship between home and school provide your child with the best basic for success.  The school encourages parental involvement and participation in many areas:-

  •  Parent Representatives on the Board of Governors
  •  School visits and educational trips.
  •  Fund-raising
  •  Extra Curricular Activities
  •  Paired Reading 
  •  The school has a Parents' Notice board and a Parent Teachers & Friends Association.
  •  Parent-Teacher Meetings
  •  Parent Information Sessions in September
  • Quick response to Parental concerns

In  the Autumn Term parents are invited to meet the class teacher for a private and confidential discussion about their child's progress.The Autumn meeting reviews how the child has settled into a new class, identifies strengths and weaknesses and encourages the development of a working rapport between home and school.During the Summer term a written School Report is sent home. It is however, important for parents to realise that the school is there to help and that teachers and the principal can be contacted at anytime to discuss queries or concerns.  Potential problems are best dealt with quickly and therefore parents simply need to contact the School Secretary who will arrange a mutually convenient time for appointment within a few days.




The school building facilitates a number of community activities  .  .

The annual Carol Service is held in Christ Church, while First Communion and Confirmation take place in St Eugene's Cathedral. Because the school has a central location, it is able to avail of the wealth of resources on its doorstep - Central Library, the Nerve Centre, Foyle Arts Centre, the Verbal Arts Centre, the Fire Station and the Tower Museum to name a few.

Businesses in the area provide generous sponsorship for the Summer Fete which is enjoyed by everyone in the school and the wider community.  Charities supported by the school include:


            Foyle Hospice

            Salvation Army

            St Vincent de Paul


            Downsyndrome Trust

The School Day


The School follows a 5 day week from Monday to Friday. Times are as follows:

Nursery:      9.00 am - 1.30 pm

Primary:      P1 - P2  9:00 am - 2:15 pm

                   P3 - P7   9:00 am - 2:55 Monday to Friday          

Parents of  Nursery  pupils should accompany their children to their classroom each morning. 

School begins at 9:00 am. Children can be dropped off in the playground from 8:45 to 9:00am. Please ensure that your child arrives on time for school as valuable interaction time with their peers and teachers at the start
of the day can be missed as classes begin. Due to the success of children spending time outside in the mornings playing and interacting with their peers we are continuing with this. Staff will supervise this alongside Mrs Ramsey & Mr Bradley.

In addition  the school now offers the facility of a "Breakfast Club".  Pupils can avail of a breakfast in the school from 8:15 until 8:45.  This is subsidised by the "Extended Schools Initiative" allowing pupils to have a breakfast before classes start.

In the interests of pupil safety, parents are not permitted to drive or park within the school grounds.  Parents are asked to use the parking facility at Academy Road and use the side entrance of school.


Children attend regular assemblies throughout the week and they are an important element of the school's life.  Teachers and pupils frequently conduct assemblies which vary in nature and content, but continually emphasise the values of participation, sharing and enjoyment.

Parents also have the right to withdraw their children from assembly.  Again, parents wanting to exercise this right should make their wishes known to the Principal, in writing.


All children should attend school for the 190 days which the law requires, unless they are ill.

A courtesy phone call to the secretary can be made if your child will not be at school that day. For school records, however, please send a note with your child explaining the absence when he/she returns to school.

School starts at 9.00 am with class registration.

Children who are late arriving after 9.00 am will be marked absent and the attendance register will then be adjusted accordingly.


Please ensure your child arrives in good time for school as formal teaching begins at 9.00 am.

A note explaining your child's absence from school should be presented to the class teacher on his/her return.


In all cases where children have to leave school during school time, a simple request in writing must be presented to the class teacher.  This is retained by the teacher and is essential for accuracy of school records.

Parents must on these occasions collect their children from the school office.  We do not permit pupils to leave the premises unaccompanied. I know you will understand that these arrangements are necessary to ensure the safety of our pupils.



The school uniform helps bond the pupils of all years and classes and emphasises the togetherness of the Model.

Our school uniform is:

Boys:  -  white shirt                                   Girls:      -   white blouse/shirt

           -  grey pullover                                            -  grey pullover/cardigan

           -  grey or black trousers                                -  grey skirt/pinafore or grey/black trousers

           -  school tie (gold and black                           -  school tie (gold and black

                                striped)                                                    striped)

           Black shoes(not trainers)                                   Black shoes(not trainers)

No particular supplier is recommended and parents are advised to shop around various chain stores.  Ties can be purchased from the office. In place of shirt, tie and jumper, Nursery pupils  wear our gold polo shirt and embroidered sweatshirt.  The school actively promotes and encourages the wearing of school uniform.  Please support the school by ensuring your child is always in uniform.


Children are discouraged from wearing jewellery to school.  If children have their ears pierced, then they should wear studs which must be covered during P.E. lessons.   If children do come to school with inappropriate jewellery, then their teacher will ask that they remove the items, or that they do not take part in activities where the teacher feels that the jewellery constitutes a safety hazard.


Children are expected to provide suitable clothing for PE  and games.  All children from P1 - P7 must have a pair of named plimsoles and have a change of clothing (PE uniform Grey tracksuit/leggings, white t-shirt and grey sweatshirt/hoddie).  P1 and P2 children must keep their PE slippers in a named PE bag.


Please ensure all clothing including coats are clearly and permanently named.




P4 - P7 Pupils

As the children move up the school we expect them to have many of their own items of equipment for use both at home and in school.

These should include;

           :  HB pencils,

           :  small set of coloured pencils, in preference to felt tips,

           :  a white rubber,

           :  a 30 cm ruler (plastic or wooden),

           :  paper glue ie Pritt-stick.

Children in P6 and P7 should have their own pocket-size dictionary.

         :  the Collins ‘English Dictionary' is extremely good.


Model Primary School Nursery Unit

Northland Road,


BT48 7HJ


Tel No: 02871 262188


Principal: Mrs Julie O’Loughlin