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Model Primary and Nursery School, Derry
Swimming Lesson for P5 to P7 commence on Tuesday 10th September. Timetable is available under parent tab on home page
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Pastoral Care



Through its pastoral care arrangements and provision, The Model Primary School demonstrates its continuing concern for the personal and social development of all its pupils, regardless of their age or ability, as individuals and as secure, successful and fully participating members of the school and its wider community.  The Model Primary School strives to create a culture of listening throughout the school so that all children feel safe and secure in the knowledge that there are staff who will listen and respond to their concerns and support them. This approach has been adopted by the staff of The Model Primary School.


This policy has been formulated and implemented:

  • to cope with the effect of growing up in the 21st Century and the changing home backgrounds of our pupils i.e. family stability;  child abuse;  parental difficulties in  raising children.             
  • to maximise learning
  • to ensure a safe, secure arena for all pupils


The aims of the school have clearly taken into account the importance attached to pastoral care of its pupils.  The aims are as follows:

  • to promote a happy, caring, attractive environment which will stimulate pupils
  • to promote the spiritual, cultural, intellectual and physical development of the pupils at the school
  • to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that will be challenging, cater for the full range
  • of abilities within the school and enable pupils to experience success
  • to develop pupils self-confidence and self-discipline
  • to encourage the pupils to value one another and to respect the views of other members of their community
  • to prepare the pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.


Roles and Responsibilities

The Board of Governors has overall responsibility for the pastoral care of the school community.

The Principal will ensure that related policies are reviewed and updated and that agreed procedures are followed.

All teachers have responsibility for the pastoral care of pupils in the school.  Through the planned curricular programme they will, amongst other things, build up pupils' esteem, encourage them to be assertive where appropriate and help them to make informed decisions and choices about issues in terms of ‘right' or ‘wrong'.

Keeping Safe online

We would recommend the Share Aware website for advice and information on keeping your child safe online.You can access it on

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