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Model Primary and Nursery School, Derry
Swimming Lesson for P5 to P7 commence on Tuesday 10th September. Timetable is available under parent tab on home page
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After Schools

Health and Fitness week - French Boules
Health and Fitness week - French Boules
Fundamental Movement skills
Fundamental Movement skills
Lego and Technology
Lego and Technology
Cooking club
Cooking club
Cooking club
Cooking club
Flamenco club
Flamenco club

We recognise here at the Model that many parents and carers have busy schedules and that childcare can cause issues as well as being very expensive. 

As a school we have taken steps recently to increase our range of after school provision. This approach is not only to assist parents with childcare provision but also to further widen our approach to providing a holistic education for our pupils. We offer fun, engaging and relaxing activities for our pupils to take part in, which is supervised at all times. 

Foundation to Primary 3

Primary 1 and 2 children can stay in school until 2.55pm and engage with a wide range of play based activities in our Rainbow Club. This session costs only £2 daily. 

At 2.55pm - 4pm Primary 1 to Primary 3 children can avail of our Mini Stars club from Monday to Thursday costing £3 per day. We also run additional clubs running alongside our Mini Stars Club depending on the demand.Discocise is a very popular after school club.

Primary 4 to Primary 7

As our pupils move towards the upper end of the school we recognise that their needs change. To reflect this we run a Bright Stars Club  which runs daily from 3pm to 4pm. All pupils from P4 to P7 can avail of this and several adults are there to provide support and assistance if needed to the pupils with their daily homework activities. 

Other clubs include Flamenco,Ryan Mc Bride and Art. 


As a school your child's holistic development is paramount to us and we do all we can to ensure that your child gets the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of extra curricular activities during their time at the Model PS. 

Please place a tick in the box at each activity your child will attend and return this sheet and correct amount in a sealed and named envelope to the class teacher. Forms need to be returned by Thursday 10th January or children will be unable to stay for their clubs Please tick one club per day. P1 and P2 must also tick Rainbow Club in order to stay for club from 3-4pm. 

Please note, no forms will be collected on Friday.

All children attending Rainbow Club will be taken to the club after the 2.15pm bell. All children attending After School Club will be taken to the club after the 2.55pm bell. All their belongings will be taken to the activity.   ALL CLUBS WILL EXIT FROM THE BACK DOOR ONLY. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE FRONT DOOR ENTRANCE TO COLLECT YOUR CHILD.

Child’s Name _______________________________________Class ________________Amount Enclosed_______________