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Model Primary and Nursery School, Derry
Post Primary applications are now open for September 2025 via EA Connect! Applications are open until Thursday 20 February at 12 noon and are not considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Please ensure you read the published admissions criteria for the schools you are considering. To begin an application, please visit
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The Model Primary School’s motto: Celebrating Diversity

At the heart of all we do is the belief that inclusivity and mutual respect for each other is the way forward for our young people. In the Model we provide many opportunities for our children to explore a variety of cultures so that they will grow up with a broad and balanced view of life. We welcome children from all faith backgrounds, traditions, cultures, religions and none. This is reflected in our school population, which consists of pupils from a variety of religions and none, faiths and cultural backgrounds. We have 37 newcomer children from approximately 20 different countries. For many of these children English is a foreign language. Our teachers ensure all our children have access to the full Northern Ireland Curriculum.

We aim to provide an environment that is welcoming, culturally inclusive and conducive to educational achievement.

Evidence from this year’s admissions forms clearly indicates that our strong multicultural ethos has influenced parental choice in choosing to send their child to the Model. We envisage our school as a community where every member has an important role to play. For example, all our stakeholders have the chance to be involved in shaping the three-year School Development Plan. We aim to recognise and respect our parents/guardians as the primary educators and work with them in their child’s best interest.

We provide a safe, caring environment and endeavour to instil a love of learning whilst striving to create lifelong learners. We feel a child who feels safe, cared for, and appreciated for his/her own self is more willing to learn than a child who feels unsafe, fearful or unhappy. Pastoral care of our pupils is set out clearly in our Pastoral Care Policy. Every child, regardless of their ability, will be able to look back on how s/he has participated in the life of the school and how s/he made a valuable and valued positive contribution.

We aim to have this approach permeating through the school, evidenced in the relationships between pupils, teachers and parents.

As well as our mainstream classes, we also have an Autism Spectrum class and a Learning Support class both of which have a high reputation, where places are in high demand. All our staff are experienced in managing the additional needs of many of the children in our care. One tenth of our pupils have a statement of Educational Needs. We have a policy of Integration and Reverse Integration strategies between the specialist classes and mainstream classes. Opportunities are incorporated, where appropriate, and our experience shows this provides enhanced learning and personal development for all.

We aim to provide a wide, balanced curriculum that will stimulate the intellectual, spiritual, ethical and physical development of each child.

Our vision is that the Model will be a learning community embracing diversity and inclusivity and, working together with all stakeholders, will aim to achieve the best possible outcomes for all its pupils.

Parental Survey June 2019

100% of parents Agree /Strongly Agree that their child gets on well with children from other backgrounds

100% of parents Agree/Strongly Agree that the school is welcoming & pleasant to visit.

96 % of parents Agree/Strongly Agree that their child is well cared for by school staff.

95% of parents agree that their child is happy at school.


Governors Survey June 2019

100% of Governors strongly agree that the school is valued and respected in in the local community

100% of Governors strongly agree that the school respects diversity and welcomes members from all communities.

100% of Governors Agree/Strongly Agree that all children are encouraged to reach their full potential regardless of gender, social, ethnic, linguistic and educational background.

Teacher’s Survey September 2019

100% of teachers Agree/Strongly Agree that there is a climate throughout the school in which good relationships flourish.

100% of teachers Agree/Strongly Agree that staff act as good role models.

100% of teachers Agree/Strongly Agree that all staff affirm pupil’s strengths.

100% of teachers Agree/Strongly Agree that the views of the whole school community are taken into account on an ongoing basis.

100% of teachers Agree/Strongly Agree that they make use of teaching strategies that respond to the diversity within the classroom.

100% of teachers Agree/Strongly Agree that the school has an agreed set of core values that underpin the work of the school.

100% of teachers Agree/Strongly Agree that the Principal/SLT takes the necessary action to ensure all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect.

Comments from the parent’s questionnaire include.

It is welcoming and has families from all backgrounds, building my child's open mindedness and empathy

The school has a strong multicultural background. Many teachers adapt well to a wide range of student behaviours and backgrounds.

It is a friendly environment and the children are taught efficiently.”

The ETI inspection report (May 2016) commented on the levels of satisfaction apparent within the school:

Thirty-two percent of parents responded to the questionnaire they indicated high levels of satisfaction with the life and work of the school. In particular, the parents highlighted the inclusive, multicultural and diverse nature of the school. They also commented positively on the family atmosphere in the school, the range of activities beyond the classroom and the dedication of all staff. All of the teachers and support staff completed the confidential questionnaire. Their responses were very positive; they emphasised the inclusive atmosphere in the school and the good links with the parents.


The school’s motto, “Celebrating Cultural Diversity” is evident in all aspects of school life.


The children are friendly, courteous to visitors and well-behaved. They are motivated and engage enthusiastically in the learning process. They co-operate well and support one another in paired and group work. The children take pride in their achievements and present their work to a high standard.